The Ogaden Question: A perennial Conundrum that Preoccupied Every Ethiopian leader but None Got it Right

By Prof. Hassan Keynan
The Ogaden Question (OQ) has been a constant and powerful dynamic in the complex historical processes that convulsed Abyssinia and its successor, Ethiopia. It has occupied this sensitive and inherently radioactive space in the turbulent geopolitical equation in the Horn of Africa for six centuries, with remarkable persistence and tenacity. It has informed and underpinned the nature and evolution of the Abyssinian/Ethiopian state, profoundly shaped the character and political culture of its architects and ruling class, and heavily influenced its external relations.
 The Somali region in Ethiopia has been a heavily consequential factor in the epic struggles that convulsed the long history of the Horn Africa and profoundly influenced its convoluted and turbulent evolutionary trajectory since the 15th century. It had played a pivotal role in the colossal confrontations between the formidable Adal State – anchored in the two ancient cities of Harar (Now in Ethiopia) and Zeila (now Somaliland/Somalia), the former as its Capital – and its principal and ambitious rival in the neighborhood, imperial Abyssinia.  The unimaginable horror and savagery spawned by this tragic encounter were chronicled in great and graphic details in The Conquests of Abyssinia by Sihab ad-Din Ahmad bin ‘Abd al-Qader.
It had prominently featured in the making and mixing fortunes of modern Abyssinia/Ethiopia under Menelik II, as a persistent and enduring symbol of independence, resisting pacification and domination. This region had been a key element that informed and underpinned the rise of the great Dervish Movement that fiercely opposed the colonial scramble for the Somali Peninsula in the early 20th century, under the charismatic leadership of Sayid Mohamed Abdulle Hassan.
During the past 88 years, different rulers occupied the Ethiopian throne, with immensely variegated backgrounds, times, durations, contexts, attributes, ideologies, traditions, ethos, and fortunes: dubious hereditary monarch (Haile Selassie), revolutionary/Marxist zealot (Mengistu Haile Mariam), Ethnic chauvinist and megalomaniac tyrant masked as democrat (Meles Zenawi), and political outlier and/or straw man in the service of supremacist clique (Hailemariam Desalegn). They were different, even poles apart, in every respect imaginable. However, as products of and believers in the Abyssinian/Ethiopian hegemonic political culture, they all had one thing in common: In their perception and strategic calculus, they all saw the Ogaden Question as an existential threat to the Ethiopian State. This paranoid mindset has in turn led each and every Ethiopian leader to adopt only one strategy to deal with the Somali Question: precipitous and reckless use of military might, combined with medieval and opportunistic deployment of divide-and-rule measures. This has become the default option of Ethiopian leaders.
The 1935 invasion and occupation of Ethiopia by fascist Italy was partly provoked by the infamous Walwal Incident. The region was also an important dynamic in the liberation of Ethiopia and the restoration of Emperor Haile Selassie’s reign. During the 15 years between 1945 and 1959, Ethiopia, under Emperor Haile Selassie, had been weighed down and haunted by a raft of critical and rapidly changing regional and global developments centered around this region, including: a) the initiative by the then British Foreign Secretary, Ernest Bevin, to unite all Somali territories, b) transfer of huge swathes of this region to Ethiopian by the British in 1948 and 1954 secretly and under dubious circumstance, as well as the immediate, massive and furious reaction by Somalis, c) prospects of independence for the British protectorate of Somaliland and Italian colony in Southern Somalia, and d) the likely unification of the two territories. In addition, Ethiopia had faced myriad organized and diverse home-grown resistance movements across the region from the 1950s.
Between 1960 and 1977 Ethiopian went into three wars with Somalia, wars triggered and driven by perennial questions rooted in the Ogaden Question. The last war was the biggest and most destructive one, involving a wide range of regional and international actors, the two global super powers and their respective strategic alliances among them. In fact, the 1977-78 war had precipitously metamorphosed into a major threat to global security, prompting the US national security advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, to frame it in the ominous phrase ‘SALT lies buried in the sands of the Ogaden.’
Those wars had exhausted, bankrupted and eventually led to simultaneous collapse of Ethiopia, under Colonel Mengistu Hailemariam, and Somalia, under General Mohamed Siyad Barre in 1991.  Ethiopia fell under the control of the EPLF and TPLF, both of which were heavily supported by Mogadishu. In fact, the leaders of the two fronts, Isaias Afwerki and the late Meles Zenawi, were both based in Mogadishu and travelled on Somali passports. Somalia has imploded and became the proverbial failed state.
The post-1991 period has been heavy with great opportunities and realistic prospects to crack this perennial question. Tragically that was not to be. The conflict erupted once again in 1994, with a level of ferocity and lethality not seen in decades. The biggest irony was that the Somali state, blamed and maligned ad infinitum as the one and only monster that created and fed the conflict in the region, was no more this time around. In fact, the TPLF-dominated Ethiopian army seized and occupied the Capital, Mogadishu, in late 2006 and has since turned Somalia into myriad mini-vassal states under its complete and ruthless control. Yet, the Somali region’s struggle not only survived but has acquired unprecedented levels of prominence, recognition and solidarity both internally and externally. By 2007, the late Prime Minister Zenawi had unleashed the might and fury of Ethiopian Defense Forces led by his TPLF comrade and Chief of Staff, Samora Yunis, on the region, committing unimaginable atrocities and collective punishment that have been included, not lightly, in the category of egregious offenses known as war crimes and crimes against humanity and at times even genocide.

Could Premier Abiy Ahmed Crack the Ogaden Question?

Dr. Abiy Ahmed was sworn in as the Prime Minister of Ethiopia on 2 April 2018. His arrival has unleashed a set of radical and broad-based reforms in a country not known for and spectacularly lacking in the foundational traditions and critical capabilities required to embark on and skillfully manage such monumental transformation. In just nine months, the Abiy phenomenon has convulsed the political land scape in Ethiopia, turned the geopolitical calculus of the Horn of Africa topsy-turvy, and re-set broader international relations.
Could PM Ahmed become the first Ethiopian leader to crack the perennial Ogaden Question? It is too early to even attempt a definitive answer to this question. However, there are myriad enabling factors that work in his favor should he decide to make optimum use of them. In fact, PM Ahmed himself is a key factor in the positive developments currently underway in Ethiopia. He is the first non-Habesha (Amhara and Tigrai) leader in Ethiopia. More importantly, PM Ahmed hails from the large Oromo nation which, like their fellow Cushitic Somalis, has been at the receiving end of centuries of brutal Abyssinian aggression and domination. Second, his family and religious background provides him with unique, out-of-the-box perspectives that are free from the hegemonic traditions, dangerous predispositions, and ruinous legacies of the Abyssinian/Ethiopian state. Third, the package of reforms PM Ahmed has initiated have already created conditions that are heavy with promise and great opportunities for just and durable peace in the Somali region.
PM Ahmed is therefore well-placed to crack the perennial Ogaden Question that all his predecessors spectacularly failed to get it right. The following points could be valuable inputs into PM Abiy Ahmed’s strategy to diffuse the manufactured crisis unfolding in the Somali Regional State (SRS), and craft a credible path forward:
Break the medieval mindset that sees Somalis as an existential threat to the Ethiopian State: This mindset and the corrosive political culture and toxic narratives that define and underpin it have not worked for all previous leaders. It is based on medieval forms of fear and prejudice and it has led to ruinous legacies of war, poverty and tyranny. It is utter madness to even contemplate its continuation. And if anyone could broker a complete and clean break from this lethal affliction, it is PM Ahmed. And the time is now.
Give full and unequivocal support to the infant Somali Regional State administration led by President Mustafa Omar: I personally know Mustafa Omar. We both worked for the UN in Nairobi Kenya before I was transferred to a new duty station in Hamburg, Germany. I believe that PM Ahmed would find in Mustafa an enthusiastic, courageous and energetic partner who could help him fast rack and consolidate the reform and transformation agenda underway in Ethiopia. It seems that there are sinister forces hell bent on undermining the fragile peace and stability in the SRS. When Mustafa was appointed six months ago, the SRS was in the throes of complete chaos and possible implosion. Today it is considered arguably as the most peaceful Regional State in Ethiopia as the Prime Minister himself reportedly acknowledged a few days ago. Allowing anti-reform forces to disrupt the hard-won peace in the SRS would be tragic and unforgivable. PM Ahmed must send a clear and unmistakable message in support of President Mustafa and his team.
Avoid return to TPLF Model of governance in the SRS: The people of the SRS have always been at the receiving end of unimaginable levels of injustice and tyranny perpetrated by the Ethiopian State. However, the TPLF has elevated the persecution of Somalis to mass incarceration and killing fields bordering on genocide. A two-decade long reign of state terror had been unleashed on the civilian population. I recently read a report by an Oromo intellectual indicating that 5000 young Oromos lost their lives during the mass uprising in the Oromia Region that erupted in 2015. The TPLF let loose the mighty TPLF-led Ethiopian Defense Forces across the Ogaden for 23 years. Tens of thousands have perished. Hundreds of thousands were subjected to rape as a weapon of war. Entire towns and villages were burned, displacing millions. Thousands were rounded up and subjected to brutal mass incarceration. The Somalis were the only ethnic group in Ethiopia for whom specific torture chambers were designed, including the notorious Jeel Ogaadeen, according to elaborate and well-documented reports by human rights organizations. The entire Somali Region is a vast crime scene.One of the murderous tactics used by the TPLF was to mobilize predatory opportunists and unscrupulous political hacks to plant toxic seeds of discord among Somalis, with a view to dividing them into dubious clan-based groupings and pitting one against another. This sinister and criminal project reached its ugly summit during the reign of Abdi Iley and his TPLF enablers and puppeteers. A return to this dark era is not an option. It is unacceptable that some EPRDF operatives and senior ministers in PM Ahmed’s cabinet openly float the prospect of bringing back known criminals into positions of power and influence in the SRS.
Work closely with ONLF: The ONLF is without a doubt the only entity that fought the TPLF regime since 1994 and paid the heaviest price in blood and treasure. Following the reforms initiated by PM Ahmed, the ONLF signed a peace agreement with Ethiopia and returned home. ONLF has over the decades established vast grassroots organizations across the Ogaden and in the diaspora. Since their return, ONLF has observed the terms of its agreement with the Ethiopian Government and worked closely with the SRS in the service of peace and reconciliation. A close cooperation with ONLF would greatly facilitate the consolidation of the fragile peace in the region, underpinning PM Ahmed’s reform agenda.


The history of modern Ethiopia and the broader geopolitical equation in the Horn of Africa are saddled with the ruinous legacies, ugly demons, missed opportunities, corrosive anxieties, unpredictable consequences, tragic miscalculations, colossal and costly failures, and predatory and sinister schemes spawned by or associated with the perennial Ogaden conundrum. Variations of these are evident in Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia.
The Ogaden Question has arguably been Ethiopia’s biggest challenge and has proved a tough nut to crack. From Menelik to Meles, every Ethiopian leader found a lethal obsession and a messy quagmire in the vast plains of the Ogaden. None could get it right. Herein lies an historic opportunity for PM Ahmed and his government to find a just and durable solution for the perennial Ogaden Question. If successful PM Ahmed would forever be remembered for ridding Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa of centuries old affliction and the myriad ruinous legacies it has routinely spawned for decades
Hassan Keynan is a former Professor at the Somali National University and a retired Senior UN Official


Hassan Keynan

Lix bilood ayuu Madaxwayne  yahay Mudane Mustafa Maxamad Cumar. Xukuumaddiisuna intaa way ka da’ yartahay. Hase yeeshee waxaa durba dhan walba kaga imanaya hadallo iyo qoraallo diiradda saaraya hoggaamintiisa shaqsiga ah iyo wax-qabadka xukuumaddiisa. Shaki igagama jiro in dad badani ay dooddoodu ka imanayso dareen iyo aragti ugu muuqda wanaag. Qaar waxay saran yihiin baalasha xawaaraha dheer ee xamaasadda iyo caadhifada, mana aha wax lala yaabo marka aad eegto wixii la soo maray iyo waaqiciga maanta. Waxaa iyagana jira ashkhaas iyo kooxo dana gaara, intooda badanna gurracan, guntiga iyo boorsooyin kula wareegaya.
Mabda’ ahaan waa wax wanaagsan in madaxda iyo xukuumadaha la qiimeeyo lalana xisaabtamo.  Waa arrin aanu muran badan ka jirin qayb muhim ahna ka ah hal-abuurka iyo hiddaha maamul iyo tan hogaamineed ee dalalka horumar wayn ka gaadhay dawladnimada iyo dimoqraadiyadda. Laakin waxaa aad loogu kala duwan yahay habka loo wajaho qiimayntaa, ujeeddada laga leeyahay, halka ay daarran tahay, inay tahay mid xog sugan iyo  maskax furan ku salaysan, cidda dabada ka riixaysa, iyo xattaa waqtiga la samaynayo.
Haddaba siday wax u jiraan? Maxaa dhaba? Maxaa dhiman? Maxaa surra gal ah? Waxaan akhristayaasha la wadaagayaa siday wax iigu muuqdaan.

Intaan ka aqaan Madaxwayne Mustafa

Waxaan Mustafa markii iigu horraysay ku kulannay Xarunta Jamciyadda Quruumaha Middobay ee Nairobi (United Nations Office in Nairobi) halkaaso aan kawada shaqaynaynay labadnaduba 2013-2015. Waxaa ii xigay horraantii 2018 oo uu ku mashquulsana yagleelidda ururuka Isbahaysiga Caddaaladda ee Degaanka Soomaaliyeed (Somali Region Alliance for Justice –SRAJ). Waan uga mahad celinayaa inuu ila wadaagay aratiga iyo ahdaafta ururka SRAJ sidaan u arkana uu wax iga waydiiyay. Horraantii Agoosto 2018 ayaan ka warhelay in laga dhigay Madaxwaynaha Dawlada Degaanka Soomaalida. Intaa wixii ka dambeeyay wixii uu isagu ku hadlo iyo waxa laga yidhaa hogaamintiisa iyo xukuumaddisa ayaan dusha kala socday.
Dhowrkan astaamood ayaan ku soo koobayaa intaan ka aqaan Mudane Musatafa:
1.     Waa shaqsi dadaal badan oo aan ka daalin waxaa uu ku hawlan yahay. Matoor culus oo 24ka saac shidan ayaa saaran.
2.     Waa shaqsi ku dhiirran oo aan la gabban dareenkiisa, afkaartiisa, iyo waxaa uu aaminsan yahay.
3.     Waa shaqsi hankiisa siyaasadeed uu wayn yahay, meelo sarena higsanaya.
4.     Was shaqsi xiriir dhaw lala haa  Itoobiyaanka kale. Waxaan xusuustaa isagoo inta badan la socda ama la shaahaya Itoobiyaanka ka shaqaynayay Xarunta UNka Nairobi, inta bandanna af Amxaari ku sheekaysanaya. Waxaa jirtay maalin aan isku dayay inaan eray af Amxaari ah ku dhaho ruux ka mid ah dadkii ay isla shaahayeen. Intuu ii soo dhawaaday ayuu igu yidhi, “sidaa looma dhehee, saa dheh.”
Astaamahan qof ba dhan ayuu iska taagi karaan. Siyaabo kala duwanna waa loo fasiri karaa. Anigu intaba iigu muuqdaan wax qof siyaasi ah lagu dhalliili karo. Gaar ahaan arrinta ku saabsan xiriirka uu la leeyahay Itoobiyaanla af Axmaariga ku hadla, anigu waxaan u arkaa arrin muhim ah, kaalin culusna ka gali karta ciyaarta iyo loollanka siyaasadeed ee Itoobiya ka jira. Ugu dambayn, Mustafa waa aadami, waa siyaasi hanwayn, waana nin dhallinyaro ah oo aad u dhiirran. Khalad wuu gali karaa, gefna wuu ka dhici karaa. Taa aadamiga kale iyo siyaasiyiinta kale ayuu kala mid yahay.

Qiimayn hoggaanka iyo xukuumada Madaxwayne Mustafa

Qoraallada iyo hadallada ku wajahan qiimaynta Madaxwayne Mustafa iyo xukuumaddisu waxay inta badan diiradda saaraan meelo badan. Inta ugu muhimsan aan mid mid uu eegno.
Mustafa Jagada waa loo Magacaabay:  Wali waxaa jira xogo badan oo inaga dahsoon. Laakiin waa xaqiiq in Mustafa aanu jagada Madaxwaynanimda ku imaan doorasho iyo rabitaanka shacbiga dawlad Degaanka Soomaalida. Hase yeeshee, dadka Mustafa arrintan eed uga dhigaya, waxaa habboon in lala sii wado su’aalaha ee aan halkaa lagaga hadhin. Itoobiya waxay jirtay 129 sannadood. Intaan ogahay 1992dii oo keliya ayay doorashao la oran karo waa xor iyo caddaalad waddanka ka dhacday. Waa tii lagu doortay AUN Madaxwayne Cabdullaahi Sacdi. Inta kale hadba xukuumadda Addis Ababa ka jirta ayaa soo caleema saari jirtay. Haddba, sidee buu ku iman karay Madaxwayne la soo doorto, mar haddii hiddaha iyo hab-dhaqanka siyaasadeed ee Itoobiya aanu ahayn mid xorriyad iyo dimoqraadiyad ku dhisan? Miyaynu lahayn awood ku khasabta xukuumadda Addis Ababa in doorasha xor ah la qabto? Haddaan Mustafa la keenin, miyaynu hubnaa shaqsiga kale ee la keeni lahaa iyo wuxuu la iman lahaa?  Intaa waxaa dheer, xukuumadda R.W Abiy Ahmed way ka yara duwan tahay xukuumadihii hore oo waxay la timid furfurnaan iyo isbeddel, in kastoo ilaa imminka aan la saadaalin karin halka uu geeddigu saldhigi. Haddaba mar hadduu xaalku sidaa yahay, waxaa habbon inaan lagu mashquulin siduu Mustafa ku yimid iyo cidda keentay, ee la fiiriyo laguna qiimeeyo sida uu u dhaqmo iyo waxa uu qabto ama uu bi’iyo.
Somaali Vs Itoobiyaan: Doodaha Madaxwayne Mustafa ku dhalliilaya ama ku ammaanaya halbeegga ah yaa Soomaali ah iyo yaa Itoobiyaan ah, run ahaantii waa kuwo la yaab leh, xaaladda dhabta ah iyo waaqiciga maantana daah kaga gudban yahay. Soomaalinimadu waa isir iyo dan wadaag soo jirtay ugu yaraan shan qarni. Waxaynu ka dhaxalnay awowyadeen iyo ayeeyooyinkeen. Waxay tolaysaa dhammaan Soomalida degta geeska Afrika. Difaaceedu waa waajib saaran dhammaan inta ku abtirsata isirka Soomaali. Laakiin xaqiiqdu waxay tahay difaaca isirka iyo midnimada Soomaaliyeed waligeed Soomaali uma sinnayn si wada jir ahna uguma wada gurman.  Soomalida uu maanta Mustafa Madaxwaynaha u yahay cidna ugama badsan difaaca qaranka Soomaaliyeed, qiima aad u culus oo aan la qiyaasi karin ayuuna ugu kacay. Walaalaha Soomaaliyeed ee Jabuuti, Hargaysa, Garowe, Beledwayne, Muqdiso iyo Baydhaba ka soo garbaduubayay naftood hurayaashii JWXO iyo taageerayaalkeedii ee u dhiibay gawracatadii TPLF,  ayaa tolnimadii iyo danwadaagnimadii Soomaaliyeed ka dhigay guri hoosta doofaar qotoo dawacooyin ku caweeyaan.  Waxaa ugu dambaysay garbaduubkii Muwaadin Qalbidhagax. Dabaqabashadeedu iyo dib-u-yagleelideedu waxay u baahanyihiin halgan la mida kii Daraawiishta iyo kii SYL. Musuuliyadda koobaad ee Madaxwayne Mustafa waa badbaadinta shacabka la moora duugay mus walbana loogu jiro ee Dawlad Degaanka Soomaaliyeed.
Jinsiyad (citizen) waa fikrad la timid nidaamka dawladeed (state system) ee laga dhaxlay Europe addunkana halbeeg u noqtay.  Waa waxa Soomaalida Jabuuti ka dhigay Jabuutiyaan, Soomaalida ku dhexjira xudduudaha Kenyana ka dhigay muwaadiniin Keenyaan ah. Soomaalida ku dhexjirta xudduudaha Itoobiya waxba kuma jabna inay noqdaan muwaadiniin Itoobiyaan ah isirkooduna Soomaali yahay. Laba is diidaysa ma aha. Anigu tayda haddii la maqlayo waxaan dhihi lahaa Af Axmaari iyo Afaana Oromo laduba dadku ha wada bartaan, iyadoo Af Soomaaliguna uu yahay saldhigga. Isbeddel wuu iman karaa mustaqbalka. Marka la gaaro xilli ay shacabka Dawlad Degaanka Soomaalida xoog ama xeel ay ku sugaan aaya ka tashigooda, way awoodi karaan inay yeeshaan dhalasho iyo jinsiyad isku mida oo labaduba Soomaaliya.
Dagaalka u dhexeeya Oromo iyo Somali:  Xasaradaha ka dhex oogan Oromo iyo Soomaali waa kuwo wajiyo badan leh. Muhimadda koobaad waxaa weeye in Madaxwayne Mustafa iyo xukuumaddiisu ay kala shaqeeyaan Addis Ababa iyo Adama sidii nabad iyo xal waara loogu soo dabbaali lahaa goobaha colaaduhu hareeyeen. Inta aan ogahay dadaal kuma yara Mudane Mustafa iyo Xukuumaddisa, waxna ma hagranayaan. Welise xaaladdu way cakiran tahay. Dan uguma jirto Soomaali colaad iyo dagaal joogta ah oo ka dhex oognaada iyaga iyo qowmiyadda Oromada. Oromana dan uguma jirto. Isbeddelka Itoobiya ka dhacay wuxuu Oromada siiyay fursad aanay waligood helin, qaar badan oo iyaga ka mid ahna way jilbaysan yihiin, degdeg iyo xamaasad ba’aan ayaana haya. Waxaana maanta gacanta ugu jira awooddii iyo dhaqaalihii Itoobiya. Caqli ma aha in Mustaf iyo xukuumaddisa laga filo inay xasaradaha jira bansiin ku sii shubaan meel walba iyo marwalbana la taagnaadaan qaylo-dhaan iyo dhaleecayn Oromo ku wajahan. Siyaasad bisil iyo dibloomaasiyad xeeldheer ayaa ka halisan dagaal ku salaysan xamaasad iyo laablakac. Inta wax garanaysa waxaa la habboon inay ka fikiraan sidii labadan qowmiyadood ay isu kaashan lahaayeen. Waana arrin suura gal ah haddii laga wada shaqeeyo.

Heshiiskii Dawladda Itoobiya iyo Ururka JWXO (ONLF): Inta la ogyahay Madaxwayne Mustafa kaalin wayn oo geesinnimo leh ayuu ka qaatay dhamaystirkii heshiiskii hordhaca ahaa ee dhex maray Itoobiya iyo JWXO. Waqtigii iyo duruufihii uu heshiisku ku dhacay waxay ahaayeen kuwo adag una baahan aragti fog iyo maarayn huffan. Intii JWXO ay dalka ku soo noqotayna, waxaa abuurmay si ula kac ahna looga shaqeeyay xaalado abuuri kara kala shaki iyo isku dhac keeni kara haliso badan. Xaaladaha weli way jiraan. Wixii ka dambeeyay isk hor imaadkii hubaysnaa ee dhex maray OLF iyo Xukuumada RW Abiy Ahmed-na, arrimuhu aad ayay u sii murgeen. Ilaa iyo hadda Madaxwayne Mustafa kaalin lama illobaan ah ayuu ka qaatay in aanay arrintu faraha ka bixin. Run ahaantii waa arrin mudan in Muastafa lagu bogaadiyo laguna taageero.


Itoobiya guud ahaan iyo Dawlad Degaanka Soomaalida waxay ku jiraan xaalad kala guur ah. Saan saan iyo rajooyin wacan oo badan ayaa muuqda. Laakiin isbeddelka socda wali ma saldhigan, laman hubi karo say wax noqon mustaqbalka dhow iyo kan dheerba.  Waxaan qormadan ku soo gunaanadayaa:
Arag sawirka wayn:  129kii sano ee la soo dhaafay Itoobiya waxaa soo maray madax kala duwan oo ku abtirsada hiddooyin iyo hab-dhaqan siyaasadeed oo aad ukala fog. Menelik wuxuu ahaa dagaal ooge mala awaalbadan. Haile Selassie wuxuu la baxay Boqorkii Boqorrada. Mengistuu wuxuu ahaa seef la bood ku khafiifay kacaannimo iyo hantiwadaag. Meles Zenawi wuxuu ahaa dhagar qabe islawayn. Hailemariam Desalegn wuxxu ahaa dhabadhilif iyo dhaan raac. Hase yeeshee intuba waxay ka sinnaayeen hal arrin: In isirka Soomaaliga ah uu halis ky yahay jiritaanka Itoobiya. Hoggaamintooda iyo xukuumadahoodana fikirkan ayaa saldhiga u ahaa. Natiijaduna waxay noqotay dagaal, kali talisnimo, burbur iyo dib-udhac saameeyay Itoobiyaanka iyo Soomaalida labduba. Isbdeelka dhacay ee uu hormuud ka yahay R.W Abiy Ahmed waxaa ka abuurmi kartaa fursad keeni karta in fikirkaa halista ah uu is beddel ku yimaaddo. Madaxwayne Mustafa iyo xukuumaddiisu waa inayna oggolaanin in lagu qadaanqadiyo xaalado abuuri kara isku dhac Addis Ababa iyo dawlad Degaanka Soomaalida. Maanta waxaa la taagan yahay maalin daran oo u baahan aragti dheer, dulqaad iyo karti. Dagaal iyo colaad aanad diyaar u ahayn awoodna u lahayn waa qar iska tuurnimo iyo ismiidaamin.
Hassan Keynan


Citizen Abdikarim Sheikh Muse #Qalbidhagax has arguably been the undisputed 2018 Somali Person of the Year.
2007-2017 the TPLF were after him for a decade but could not get their bloodstained hands on him. He was a commander of the ONLF who the TPLF feared most.

28 August 2017 the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) kidnapped citizen Qalbidhagax from a hotel and handed him over to the TPLF thugs in an egregious extraordinary rendition that infuriated all decent and patriotic Somalis.
6 September 2017 the Council of Minister we herded into an urgent meeting by the Prime Minister and in a matter of hours charged citizen Qalbidhagax with fabricated crimes, stripped him of his nationality, robbed him of his dignity and humanity, and violated his God-given inalienable rights and freedoms. The tragic spectacle of the then Minister of Information reading out, loudly and awkwardly, the murderous lies and slander authored by the shameful Ministers has become woven into the national narrative.

November 2017 the Federal Parliament passed a resolution declaring that the arrest and secret rendition of Citizen Qalbidhagax was illegal and unlawful, and a blatant violation of the laws of the country and the Constitution.

In June 2018 the new Prime Minister of Ethiopia released Citizen Qalbidhagax unconditionally.
July to November 2018: Citizen Qalbidhagax received a hero’s welcome first in Nairobi, Kenya. This was followed by a warm welcome in Somaliland, Puntland, Glamudug and Jubbaland. Then it was the turn of Djibouti and finally the Somali Regional State in Ethiopia.

On 9 November 2018 the case of Citizen Qalbidhagax featured in a parliamentary motion that accused President Farmaajo of Treason.

In all his speeches Citizen Qalbidhagax repeated this gracious and noble message:

“When I was egregiously assaulted and handed over to TPLF murderers, I felt betrayed and humiliated. However, when I learned about my Somali brothers and sisters standing up for me and campaigning for my release day and night, I realized that I have the back of a 30 million nation.”

Surely, there is no story in the Somali Peninsula in 2018 that can come close to the story of Citizen Qalbidhagax.  It has re-awakened the indomitable spirit of the Pan-Somali common wealth. It lit up a beacon of hope and renewal across the Somali Peninsula from Mogadishu to Garisa to Hargeisa to Djibouti and to Jigjiga. The story of Citizen Qalbidhagax has become the story of the Somali Nation and the story of the Somali Peninsula.

By Hassan Keynan