The Case of Citizen Qalbidhagax Exposed the True Nature and Character of Farmaajo’s Council of Ministers

Hassan Keynan

Two years ago, the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) kidnapped citizen Qalbidhagax from a hotel and handed him over to the TPLF thugs in an egregious extraordinary rendition that infuriated all decent and patriotic Somalis.

On 6 September 2017 members of President Farmaajo’s Council of Ministers were herded into an urgent meeting by the Prime Minister and in a matter of hours charged citizen Qalbidhagax with fabricated crimes, stripped him of his nationality, robbed him of his dignity and humanity, and violated his God-given inalienable rights and freedoms. The Council of Ministers comprises a large number of people with immense variations in background, age, education, profession, and outlook. Most of them are diaspora Somalis with dual citizenship. 
Yet, almost all of them had no qualms associating themselves with the ugliest crime perpetrated against an innocent citizen in the history of Somali state and government. The Constitution and the law of the land did not restrain them. Their duties and responsibilities as senior ministers did not prompt them to exercise caution and discretion.  Nationalist principles and patriotic sentiments did not inspire them to spare the life of a patriotic citizen who scarified a lot for the defense of the motherland. Customary laws and kinship did not cause them to reflect and reconsider. Islamic ethos and fear of God did not inspire any sympathy in them for a fellow Muslim who had been humiliated and betrayed. And finally, the overarching and universally shared values of humanity did not moderate their mean and inherently malign considerations. Members of the Council of Ministers kidnapped citizen Qalbidhagax. They convicted him. They surrendered him to the executioner. Only one Minister objected. Two remained silent.
The tragic spectacle of the then Minister of Information reading out, loudly and awkwardly, the murderous lies and slander authored by the shameful Ministers had become woven into the national narrative.
In November 2017 the Federal Parliament passed a resolution declaring that the arrest and secret rendition of Citizen Qalbidhagax was illegal and unlawful, and a blatant violation of the laws of the country and the Constitution.
Today, 28 August 2019, marks the second anniversary of Citizen Qalbidhagax’s rendition to the TPLF murderers. Questions still remain as to what had prompted President Farmaajo, Prime Minister Khaire and the entire Council of Ministers to commit such egregious crime. What has President Farmaajo gained from it? Has he learned anything from it? Why hasn’t he apologized to date? One thing is for sure. The case of Citizen Qalbidhagax has sealed the fate of President Farmaajo’s Administration, and that of his legacy.