Entries by Admin

SOMALIA IS LED BY A ROGUE GOVERNMENT BANKROLLED BY THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY: Somaliland is gone, Puntland is considering confederation, and Jubbaland is weighing its options

Hassan Keynan This video features two former presidents. Sheikh Sharif (2009-2012) was the one who appointed the current President as prime minister in 2010. Hassan Sh. Mohamud (2012-2017) was the one who handed power over to the current President in February 2017. The two former presidents spoke about dark clouds of strife and conflict closing in […]

A beautiful tyranny misnamed partnership

A beautiful tyranny misnamed partnership The relationship To which we are wedded Is a beautiful tyranny Misnamed partnership. Our partnership Is a partnership of unequal partners Of unequal powers and unequal opportunities A partnership honeycombed With labyrinths of genteel deception, division and exclusion. In our partnership One party represents An imperial order of unprecedented sway and intrigue […]

State of Literacy in Sub-Saharan Africa

The International Literacy Day (ILD) is marked each year on 8 September as a day of reflection, re-thinking and re-imagination on matters related to literacy at all levels, global, regional, national, and local. On the occasion of the 2019 ILD, it is important to take stock of the state of literacy in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). […]

Garbaduubkii Muwaadin Qalbidhagax: Laba Sano ayaa ka soo wareegay, welina Garsoor ma helin lagamana Garaabin

Maanta, 28 Agoosto 2019, waa sanadguuradii 2aad ee Garbaduubkii Muwadin Qalbidhagax. Laakiin dhacdadaa naadirka ahayd saskii laga qaaday iyo mahadhooyinkay reebtay weli way ku taagan yihiin dadka Soomaaliyeed. Qisada Qalbidhagax waxay noqotay mid ka gudawayn kana shishaysa duruufaha iyo waayaha hal muwaaddin. Waxay u xuubsiibatay qaddiyad ummadeed oo ku guntan dareenka, quluubta iyo waayaha danwadaagta qaranka […]

UN Track-record in Somalia: A legacy of missed opportunities and malign incompetence

Prof. Hassan Keynan Prompted into existence by the carnage of World War Two, the United Nations System has been informed by lofty ideals, beautiful mandates, and noble missions aimed at promoting international peace and security. Over the past seven decades its size, mandate and operations have been considerably expanded. Peace-keeping, sustainable development, and climate change […]


Hassan Keynan Stories of inter- and intra-clan clashes abound in the SRS. The dispute is over territory and land. And often the dispute quickly metamorphoses into a bloody conflict, resulting in deaths and serious injuries. And the SRS’s security forces are routinely called to intervene and sort out the bloody mess. However, there is one […]

Mutually Assured Delusion (MAD): A Cynical Ploy Employed by the Somali Political Elite

Hassan Keynan For nearly thirty years, Somalia has existed in a suspended dystopian space outside the state-based system that defines and governs existing global order, earning it the notorious but well-deserved reputation of being the first and most enduring failed state. The reasons for this calamitous state of affairs are multiple, complex, and immensely variegated. […]

The Ogaden Question: A perennial Conundrum that Preoccupied Every Ethiopian leader but None Got it Right

By Prof. Hassan Keynan The Ogaden Question (OQ) has been a constant and powerful dynamic in the complex historical processes that convulsed Abyssinia and its successor, Ethiopia. It has occupied this sensitive and inherently radioactive space in the turbulent geopolitical equation in the Horn of Africa for six centuries, with remarkable persistence and tenacity. It […]


Hassan Keynan Lix bilood ayuu Madaxwayne  yahay Mudane Mustafa Maxamad Cumar. Xukuumaddiisuna intaa way ka da’ yartahay. Hase yeeshee waxaa durba dhan walba kaga imanaya hadallo iyo qoraallo diiradda saaraya hoggaamintiisa shaqsiga ah iyo wax-qabadka xukuumaddiisa. Shaki igagama jiro in dad badani ay dooddoodu ka imanayso dareen iyo aragti ugu muuqda wanaag. Qaar waxay saran […]