Entries by Admin


Citizen Abdikarim Sheikh Muse #Qalbidhagax has arguably been the undisputed 2018 Somali Person of the Year. 2007-2017 the TPLF were after him for a decade but could not get their bloodstained hands on him. He was a commander of the ONLF who the TPLF feared most. 28 August 2017 the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) […]

Is Speaker Mursal Playing the Mercurial Janus-faced Politician?

By Prof. Hassan Keynan Eight months ago Mogadishu was in the throes of a protracted and nasty political squabble engineered by Villa Somalia in cahoots with all kinds of political opportunists and predatory conmen in Mogadishu. The principal objective of Villa Somalia’s mission was to remove the then speaker of the Lower House of the […]

Who Confederates with Whom in the Horn of Africa? And on Whose Terms?

The story unfolding in the Horn of Africa is truly unbelievable. The whole story revolves around Ethiopia’s new, young and relatively inexperienced Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed. From the moment he assumed office, something akin to The Big Bang Theory erupted in Ethiopia, something sudden, big, powerful, and majestic. Premier Ahmed’s arrival seems to have brokered […]

Africa and the Scourge of Illiteracy: Staggering numbers to reflect on the International Literacy Day (8 September 2018)

The latest data (2015) from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) Adult and Youth Literacy: National, regional and global trends, 1985-2015 show that Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is home to over 191 million adults (15 years and above) who lack basic literacy skills, including 47 million youth (15–24 years). Nearly 50% (89 million) of illiterate adults […]

My Name is Freedom

I am not Who you think I am I am not Who you say I am I am not What you perceive I am. I am Who I am. I am one and many Young and old Ancient and modern Near and far Local and global Perfect and profoundly flawed A creature of limited means […]

Garbaduubkii Muwaadin Qalbidhagax: Sannad ayaa ka soo wareegay, welina Garsoor ma helin lagamana Garaabin

Maanta waa snadguuradii 1aad ee Garbaduubkii Muwadin Qalbidhagax. Laakiin dhacdadaa naadirka ah saskii laga qaaday iyo mahadhooyinkay reebtay weli way ku taagan yihhin dadka Soomaaliyeed. Qisada Qalbidhagax waxay noqotay mid ka gudawayn kana shishaysa duruufaha iyo waayaha hal muwaaddin. Waxay u xuubsiibatay qaddiyad ummadeed oo ku guntan dareenka, quluubta iyo waayaha danwadaagta qaranka Soomaaliyeed. Sidaa […]

Somalis: A Nation Marked for Liquidation

Hassan Keynan Somalia is in the throes of a relentless and merciless assault. And Somalis have become a nation marked for liquidation. There is an epidemic of two inter-related evils perpetrated against Somalia and Somalis routinely, with impunity, and with catastrophic consequences: lethal violence and massive looting/transfer of public assets. Killing Somalis Somalis of all […]

What Happened in Mogadishu between 29 March and 1 April 2007?

Does any one remember the death and destruction unleashed by the invading Ethiopian Army on Mogadishu between 29 March and 1 April 2007? In just 4 unforgettable days, the invading army commanded by Colonel Ghebre incinerated a heavily populated area in the Capital estimated at 10 kilometres.  A Committee appointed by the Hawiye Elders to assess the […]

Why I am NOT Celebrating Africa Day Today

Today, 25 May 2018, marks the 55th annivaesary of the foundation of the Organization of African Union (OAU), now known as the African Union (AU). This year, like the 54 years before, we are being asked to celebrate the Africa Day also alternatively known as African Freedom Day and African Liberation Day. But what is […]

It is true: Mogadishu is Somalia and Somalia is Mogadishu

Three weeks ago the President of the Puntland State of Somalia, Mr. Abdiweli Gaas, paid an official visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). During his highly publicized diplomatic tour, President Abdiweli spoke on a wide range of topics. In one of his widely disseminated speeches, the Professor blamed the catastrophic collapse of Somalia in […]