Entries by Admin

The New Scramble for Somalia: The Role of Diaspora Somalis with Dual Citizenship

The New Scramble for Somalia: The Role of Diaspora Somalis with Dual Citizenship Hassan A. Keynan* Becoming an American citizen through naturalization requires taking the Oath of Allegiance, loudly. The first part of the Oath of Allegiance reads, “I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity […]

Soomaaliya: Qaran baadigoobaya qaacidda xukun (Governance Formula)

Hassan A. Keynan Soomaliya waa qaran baadigoobaya qaacidda xukun oo ay uga soo kaban karto qaran-jabkii ba’naa iyo jahawareerka siyaasadeed ee ragaadiyay. Habka xukun ee dalka ka jira waxaa saldhig u ah saddex nidaam oo ku kala abtirsada isirro iyo hiddooyin kala duwan aadna u kala fog: 1) qaaciddada Afar iyo Bar(4.5 Formula) ee lagu guddomiyay […]

A beautiful tyranny misnamed partnership – A Poem

A beautiful tyranny misnamed partnership The relationship To which we are wedded Is a beautiful tyranny Misnamed partnership. Our partnership Is a partnership of unequal partners Of unequal powers and unequal opportunities A partnership honeycombed With labyrinths of genteel deception, division and exclusion. In our partnership One party represents An imperial order of unprecedented sway […]

Can Somali sovereignty and unity be saved? Analysis and recommendations

Can Somali sovereignty and unity be saved? Analysis and recommendations Hassan A. Keynan* Somalia has been blighted by decades of strife and seemingly endless political instability and chaos. The reasons for this tragic state of affairs are many, complex, multi-dimensional and immensely variegated. A complete and comprehensive investigation of what went wrong and why would […]